207 research outputs found

    Correlation Plenoptic Imaging With Entangled Photons

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    Plenoptic imaging is a novel optical technique for three-dimensional imaging in a single shot. It is enabled by the simultaneous measurement of both the location and the propagation direction of light in a given scene. In the standard approach, the maximum spatial and angular resolutions are inversely proportional, and so are the resolution and the maximum achievable depth of focus of the 3D image. We have recently proposed a method to overcome such fundamental limits by combining plenoptic imaging with an intriguing correlation remote-imaging technique: ghost imaging. Here, we theoretically demonstrate that correlation plenoptic imaging can be effectively achieved by exploiting the position-momentum entanglement characterizing spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) photon pairs. As a proof-of-principle demonstration, we shall show that correlation plenoptic imaging with entangled photons may enable the refocusing of an out-of-focus image at the same depth of focus of a standard plenoptic device, but without sacrificing diffraction-limited image resolution.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Diffraction-limited plenoptic imaging with correlated light

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    Traditional optical imaging faces an unavoidable trade-off between resolution and depth of field (DOF). To increase resolution, high numerical apertures (NA) are needed, but the associated large angular uncertainty results in a limited range of depths that can be put in sharp focus. Plenoptic imaging was introduced a few years ago to remedy this trade off. To this aim, plenoptic imaging reconstructs the path of light rays from the lens to the sensor. However, the improvement offered by standard plenoptic imaging is practical and not fundamental: the increased DOF leads to a proportional reduction of the resolution well above the diffraction limit imposed by the lens NA. In this paper, we demonstrate that correlation measurements enable pushing plenoptic imaging to its fundamental limits of both resolution and DOF. Namely, we demonstrate to maintain the imaging resolution at the diffraction limit while increasing the depth of field by a factor of 7. Our results represent the theoretical and experimental basis for the effective development of the promising applications of plenoptic imaging.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Correlation Plenoptic Imaging between Arbitrary Planes

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    We propose a novel method to perform plenoptic imaging at the diffraction limit by measuring second-order correlations of light between two reference planes, arbitrarily chosen, within the tridimensional scene of interest. We show that for both chaotic light and entangled-photon illumination, the protocol enables to change the focused planes, in post-processing, and to achieve an unprecedented combination of image resolution and depth of field. In particular, the depth of field results larger by a factor 3 with respect to previous correlation plenoptic imaging protocols, and by an order of magnitude with respect to standard imaging, while the resolution is kept at the diffraction limit. The results lead the way towards the development of compact designs for correlation plenoptic imaging devices based on chaotic light, as well as high-SNR plenoptic imaging devices based on entangled photon illumination, thus contributing to make correlation plenoptic imaging effectively competitive with commercial plenoptic devices.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Nonclassical noise features in a correlation plenoptic imaging setup

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    Sub-shot-noise imaging and correlation plenoptic imaging are two quantum imaging techniques that enable to overcome different problems of classical imaging systems. Combining the two techniques is not trivial, since the former is based on the detection of identical corresponding modes to subtract noise, while the latter requires the detection of different modes to perform directional reconstruction. In this paper, we experimentally show the possibility to obtain a noise-reduction factor smaller than one, a necessary condition to perform sub-shot-noise imaging, in a setup that can be adapted to correlation plenoptic imaging

    Correlated-photon imaging at 10 volumetric images per second

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    The correlation properties of light provide an outstanding tool to overcome the limitations of traditional imaging techniques. A relevant case is represented by correlation plenoptic imaging (CPI), a quantum-inspired volumetric imaging protocol employing spatio-temporally correlated photons from either entangled or chaotic sources to address the main limitations of conventional light-field imaging, namely, the poor spatial resolution and the reduced change of perspective for 3D imaging. However, the application potential of high-resolution imaging modalities relying on photon correlations is limited, in practice, by the need to collect a large number of frames. This creates a gap, unacceptable for many relevant tasks, between the time performance of correlated-light imaging and that of traditional imaging methods. In this article, we address this issue by exploiting the photon number correlations intrinsic in chaotic light, combined with a cutting-edge ultrafast sensor made of a large array of single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs). This combination of source and sensor is embedded within a novel single-lens CPI scheme enabling to acquire 10 volumetric images per second. Our results place correlated-photon imaging at a competitive edge and prove its potential in practical applications.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Different Cognitive Frailty Models and Health- and Cognitive-related Outcomes in Older Age: From Epidemiology to Prevention

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    Frailty, a critical intermediate status of the aging process that is at increased risk for negative health-related events, includes physical, cognitive, and psychosocial domains or phenotypes. Cognitive frailty is a condition recently defined by operationalized criteria describing coexisting physical frailty and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), with two proposed subtypes: potentially reversible cognitive frailty (physical frailty/MCI) and reversible cognitive frailty (physical frailty/pre- MCI subjective cognitive decline). In the present article, we reviewed the framework for the definition, different models, and the current epidemiology of cognitive frailty, also describing neurobiological mechanisms, and exploring the possible prevention of the cognitive frailty progression. Several studies suggested a relevant heterogeneity with prevalence estimates ranging 1.0–22.0% (10.7–22.0% in clinical-based settings and 1.0–4.4% in population-based settings). Cross-sectional and longitudinal population-based studies showed that different cognitive frailty models may be associated with increased risk of functional disability, worsened quality of life, hospitalization, mortality, incidence of dementia, vascular dementia, and neurocognitive disorders. The operationalization of clinical constructs based on cognitive impairment related to physical causes (physical frailty, motor function decline, or other physical factors) appears to be interesting for dementia secondary prevention given the increased risk for progression to dementia of these clinical entities. Multidomain interventions have the potential to be effective in preventing cognitive frailty. In the near future, we need to establish more reliable clinical and research criteria, using different operational definitions for frailty and cognitive impairment, and useful clinical, biological, and imaging markers to implement intervention programs targeted to improve frailty, so preventing also late-life cognitive disorders

    A Single-Molecule Bioelectronic Portable Array for Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer Precursors

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    A cohort of 47 patients is screened for pancreatic cancer precursors with a portable 96-well bioelectronic sensing-array for single-molecule assay in cysts fluid and blood plasma, deployable at point-of-care (POC). Pancreatic cancer precursors are mucinous cysts diagnosed with a sensitivity of at most 80% by state-of-the-art cytopathological molecular analyses (e.g., KRASmut DNA). Adding the simultaneous assay of proteins related to malignant transformation (e.g., MUC1 and CD55) is deemed essential to enhance diagnostic accuracy. The bioelectronic array proposed here, based on single-molecule-with-a-large-transistor (SiMoT) technology, can assay both nucleic acids and proteins at the single-molecule limit-of-identification (LOI) (1% of false-positives and false-negatives). It comprises an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-like 8 Ă— 12-array organic-electronics disposable cartridge with an electrolyte-gated organic transistor sensor array, and a reusable reader, integrating a custom Si-IC chip, operating via software installed on a USB-connected smart device. The cartridge is complemented by a 3D-printed sensing gate cover plate. KRASmut, MUC1, and CD55 biomarkers either in plasma or cysts-fluid from 5 to 6 patients at a time, are multiplexed at single-molecule LOI in 1.5 h. The pancreatic cancer precursors are classified via a machine-learning analysis resulting in at least 96% diagnostic-sensitivity and 100% diagnostic-specificity. This preliminary study opens the way to POC liquid-biopsy-based early diagnosis of pancreatic-cancer precursors in plasma.</p

    A Single-Molecule Bioelectronic Portable Array for Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer Precursors

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    A cohort of 47 patients is screened for pancreatic cancer precursors with a portable 96-well bioelectronic sensing-array for single-molecule assay in cysts fluid and blood plasma, deployable at point-of-care (POC). Pancreatic cancer precursors are mucinous cysts diagnosed with a sensitivity of at most 80% by state-of-the-art cytopathological molecular analyses (e.g., KRASmut DNA). Adding the simultaneous assay of proteins related to malignant transformation (e.g., MUC1 and CD55) is deemed essential to enhance diagnostic accuracy. The bioelectronic array proposed here, based on single-molecule-with-a-large-transistor (SiMoT) technology, can assay both nucleic acids and proteins at the single-molecule limit-of-identification (LOI) (1% of false-positives and false-negatives). It comprises an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-like 8 Ă— 12-array organic-electronics disposable cartridge with an electrolyte-gated organic transistor sensor array, and a reusable reader, integrating a custom Si-IC chip, operating via software installed on a USB-connected smart device. The cartridge is complemented by a 3D-printed sensing gate cover plate. KRASmut, MUC1, and CD55 biomarkers either in plasma or cysts-fluid from 5 to 6 patients at a time, are multiplexed at single-molecule LOI in 1.5 h. The pancreatic cancer precursors are classified via a machine-learning analysis resulting in at least 96% diagnostic-sensitivity and 100% diagnostic-specificity. This preliminary study opens the way to POC liquid-biopsy-based early diagnosis of pancreatic-cancer precursors in plasma.</p
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